Tenía tiempo con ganas de hacer un espejo rayos de sol (sunburst mirror). Así que tomé una vieja cesta que tenía guardada y que alguna vez fue centro de mesa con esferas y la use para armar mi espejo. Mandé a cortar un espejo biselado de 25 cms y compré 17 varillas de madera blanda (de esas que usan los arquitectos para las maquetas) y compré además pegamento "no más clavos", resina de 2 componentes y tinta para madera color caramelo.
I had time wanting to make a sunburst mirror. So I took an old basket that was stored in a closet and that was once a centerpiece with spheres of my cofffe table and I used it to assemble my mirror. I order to be cut a beveled mirror of 25 cms and bought 17 bars of softwood (Used by architects for the scale models) and also bought "no more nails" glue, 2 component resin, and wood ink.
I had time wanting to make a sunburst mirror. So I took an old basket that was stored in a closet and that was once a centerpiece with spheres of my cofffe table and I used it to assemble my mirror. I order to be cut a beveled mirror of 25 cms and bought 17 bars of softwood (Used by architects for the scale models) and also bought "no more nails" glue, 2 component resin, and wood ink.
I cut the rods or balsa sticks in two different sizes: the largest 20 cms and the smaller 16 cms, as it is a very soft wood, I cut them in a spear-shaped with an X-acto. Then I painted with ink wood. I painted a group with 3 coats and some other group, 2 coat in order to have different color intensity.
Cuando secaron, al día siguiente le apliqué la resina de 2 componentes. Esperé 3 días más que secara bien la resina y pegué los palitos a la parte posterior de la cesta. Como la cesta lucía algo opaca, le apliqué una capa de barniz al agua. Cuando secó, pegué el espejo con el mismo pegamento y 2 horas despues le amarré por detrás un alambre de cobre retorcido que saqué de un trozo de cable viejo, para hacer el colgadero. Eso fue todo.
On the next day, when the wood was dried, I applied the resin. After that, I waited for 3 days to be sure the resine was completly dried and glued the sticks to the back of the basket. As the basket looked somewhat opaque, I applied a coat of water-based varnish. When dried, I glued the mirror with the same glue, and 2 hours after I tied behind the basket a twisted copper wire to make the hanger. That was it.
Para hacer la lámpara sunburst, usé un plafón viejo con la base de madera. Y utilizando la misma técnica de reciclar, la modifiqué como lámpara sunburst. Para ello, usé unos palitos de la misma madera blanda pero más gruesos. que corté rectos (a diferencia del espejo) de 15 cms largo, luego los pinté con la misma tinta color carmelo, pero no les apliqué resina sino barniz al agua, unas 8 capas. Es mejor hacerlo con rodillo, así no quedan marcas de pincel.
To make the sunburst lamp, I used an old ceiling light fixture. And using the same technique of recycling, I modified it as a sunburst lamp. To do this, I used balsa sticks but thicker. I cut straight (unlike the mirror) to 15 cms long, then painted them with the same color ink, but I didn't applied resin but varnish, about 8 coats. This is best done with a roller to avoid brush marks.
Me encantó el resultado. Parece que esos rayos de sol siempre estuvieron allí pues el color quedó muy parecido al de la lámpara. (Para variar, olvidé tomar la foto de cómo era antes la lámpara, así que la tapé con periódico para que tengan una idea cómo era antes de remodelarla).
I loved the result. Looks like those sunbeams were always there because the color was very similar to the lamp. (For a change, I forgot to take a picture of what it was before the lamp, so I covered it with newspaper to give you an idea how it was before remodeling it).
To make the sunburst lamp, I used an old ceiling light fixture. And using the same technique of recycling, I modified it as a sunburst lamp. To do this, I used balsa sticks but thicker. I cut straight (unlike the mirror) to 15 cms long, then painted them with the same color ink, but I didn't applied resin but varnish, about 8 coats. This is best done with a roller to avoid brush marks.
Me encantó el resultado. Parece que esos rayos de sol siempre estuvieron allí pues el color quedó muy parecido al de la lámpara. (Para variar, olvidé tomar la foto de cómo era antes la lámpara, así que la tapé con periódico para que tengan una idea cómo era antes de remodelarla).
I loved the result. Looks like those sunbeams were always there because the color was very similar to the lamp. (For a change, I forgot to take a picture of what it was before the lamp, so I covered it with newspaper to give you an idea how it was before remodeling it).
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